Current Wednesday Walk

10 November 2021

Convenor’s Comment

Alison’s Corner

Only one birthday to report on this coming week and that is right at the end of the week.  That is Hugh Bibby.  We trust that Hugh has a very enjoyable special day.  (The same for anyone we have missed.)

Friday Night “Drinkies”

Some 20–25 walkers turned up for the Friday Night “Drinkies” at the “Sprig and Fern” in Tawa.  Good social get together. No payment problems this time.

Christmas Lunch

Only a few people left to pay up.  The deadline for payments has been noted as Wednesday 10th November.  That is $36 per head for the lunch and if taking the bus; then an additional $10.  There is still plenty of room on the bus.  Please pay online to the following; Churton Park Community Walkers Bank Account No: 02-0524-0233091-000 using name/s and CPCW Lunch as reference.     We also trust that all attendees will be fully vaccinated.

Last Weeks Walks

Wednesday’s walks were all cancelled again. The high winds certainly would have made the exposed roads on the side of the Tawa hills very uncomfortable and then of course there was the rain.  We may have to consider a more flexible cancellation procedure as there certainly were some FF’s who would have been happy to walk in the conditions.  The weather was better on Thursday night with 5 walkers heading out and about in the local area and on Friday some 19 walkers headed up into Newlands via Seton Nossiter Park.


Here are some photos from from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb). 

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for the rest of November here.

Wednesday 10th November 2021

A good percentage of the regular walkers will be away for this coming Wednesday’s walk with the National Park/Whakatane trip taking place.  However there are still three local walks planned.  These three walks are local and were mapped by Andy Dunn.  Andy has kindly agreed to takeover the briefing prior to the walks and these will proceed as long as each group has at least three walkers.

PP’s: Walk:  A 3.74km loop utilising the walkways and of course the streets within Churton Park.  You can view the walk here.

SS’s:  Walk:  A 6.08km loop heading off towards Johnsonville utilising walkways where possible and of course the streets.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s:  Walk: A 7.17km loop heading right into Johnsonville and utilising tracks where possible and also of course the streets.  You can view the walk here.


Please leave cars either in the south east corner of the New World carpark or on the street.


Simmer will not allow us to book but we have noticed a more welcoming approach to serving our group.  They seem to be more amenable to rearranging tables and chairs and of course if the weather is reasonable, then the outdoor seating is available.  As the numbers will be down with over 40 walkers away, there should be plenty of room for all.


The normal cancellation before 8:00am will be sent by email if required.

We are still walking under Level 2 so remember to scan in and try for a little bit of social distancing.

Happy walking

Russell Paterson


Remember that if you rely on others for your transport most weeks then a small $2 payment for a nearby walk and a $4 payment for a longer walk would help to lessen the costs a little for those providing the transport.


I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors. Please support these businesses that support us. 
