Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 12 June 2022

9th Anniversary Dinner 

You and your partner are invited to attend the 9th Anniversary Dinner of the Churton Park Community Walkers.  So far we have had interest from over 50 walkers and or partners.  There is still plenty of room.   Details of the event are as follows:

Date:    Saturday,  July 30 2022;     
Time: 6pm to 10:30pm
Venue:   Johnsonville Bowling Club
Cost:      $40 per head.  (Payment instructions below)
Dress:   Smart Casual
Bar:      Cash or eftpos bar,  no credit available; 
Bring:   Money for raffles and game, as well as a pen!

We ask that you please confirm your probable attendance by email to by the extended date of Friday 1 July 2022.  Payment of $40 per head can be made at the same time but anytime up to Friday 15th July 2022 is OK.  (Should the event not go ahead for some unlikely reason, or you can no longer attend, then a full refund will be made.  The payment of the $40 per head by Friday 15th July 2022 will be confirmation of your attendance. Payment please to Churton Park Community Walkers Bank Account No: 02-0524-0233091-000 using name/s and CPCW dinner as reference.  Alternatively the money can be given in a sealed envelope to Keith Thomas with name/s and CPCW anniversary dinner written on outside. (Correct money please as no change will be given).  We believe our limit of attendees will be 80.   Further details such as parking etc, will be forwarded closer to the dinner.

Last Week’s Walks

On a fairly average day the Wednesday walks went ahead.  The attendance was 14 PP’s, 18 SS’s, 21 FF’s making a total of 53 walkers which considering the weather was a reasonable turnout.  I trust that all the walkers who turned up on Wednesday enjoyed their local walk and hopefully saw a part of our suburb that they had not seen before.  Thursday night was a bit windy but 5 of the hardy Thursday Night Crawlers still headed out around the streets of Churton Park.  The Friday walkers suffered the same sort of weather as they had the week before with the same result being another cancellation. Hopefully it won’t happen three weeks in a row.


Every week we leave a note about Koha in the newsletter.  We have no idea what private sharing arrangements are in place regarding getting rides but we trust that those who don’t regularly bring cars do make up for it in some small way, be it buying a coffee for the driver or by making some small cash donation.

This week's walks - Wednesday 15th June 2022

All three walks are within the Khandallah/Ngaio area.  All are walks we have carried out before although an extension has been added to the PP’s.  The PP’s and SS’s avoid any chance of a muddy track as the walks are either on footpaths or sealed tracks.  The FF’s do have a track within the walk that could be muddy but there is a detour available that will allow this part of the track to be avoided if they are that worried about dirty shoes.

Briefing:  Usual time and place.(New World Carpark at 9:00am)

PP’s: A 3.85km loop walk along paths and footpaths.   You can view the walk here

SS’s: A 5.24km loop walk using paths and footpaths.   You can view the walk here.          

FF’s: A 6.63km loop walk using paths and footpaths.   You can view the walk here.


Parking is within the Nairnville Park carpark and on the surrounding streets.    


This will be back at Simmer. We have advised them that we will be coming.


If required will be by email at 7:30am.

Happy June Walking

Russell Paterson

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for the rest of June here.


Below are some photos from previous weeks and one from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).