Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 17 December 2023

Last Weeks Walks

All three Wednesday groups walked various distances up Hutt Valley’s Te Whiti Riser and return.  There were 6 Pleasure Pacers, 17 Steady Steppers and 20 Fast Footers.  On Thursday evening 8 walkers (together with Red) walked from Churton Park to Johnsonville and on Friday 10 walkers ventured out along the Eastbourne Ridge from Lowry Bay. Another 3 walkers completed a slightly shorter section of the walk.

End of Year/Festive season

This coming week sees the final round of walks for 2023 – details of the Wednesday walks are below.   No walks are scheduled between Christmas and New Year or for Wednesday the 3rd of January.


We will start the pre-planned walks on Wednesday 24 January however if members would like to walk on Wednesday 10 and/or 17 January it is suggested that everyone meets at 9am in the Churton Park village car park as usual and the groups can sort out a local walk depending on numbers (and, of course, the weather).   It is understood that a number of regular walkers will be away for the summer holidays or otherwise busy with family/friends/visitors.

On behalf of your committee members I take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy Festive Season and also best wishes for the New Year.

Brian Vincent

Newsletter Editor/Publisher

We are looking for a Newsletter Editor/Publisher as Peter, who has filled this role for the past 5 years, is keen to move on.  This is an opportunity for someone to become a little more involved with the workings of the group and to perhaps learn a little extra digital technology.

The role involves updating this newsletter page on a regular basis (every Sunday) and sending an email message to all group members each Sunday evening.

Don't be afraid if you have not done any of this sort of thing in the past.  Peter will provide all the training you need.  If you are interested, or want to find out more, contact Peter using this link.

New Plymouth 2023 trip photos

Photos are available here.

Click on any photo to enlarge, then use side arrows to scroll.


Please ensure that you inform your group’s leader if you leave a walk partway through.

This Weeks Walks (Wednesday 20 December)

As scheduled the walks this coming Wednesday are based close to home being in the nearby suburb of Newlands.

PP’s:  A 2.6km loop that heads slowly down the hill on streets and returns via a track.  The walk has a bit of uphill in it  but nothing too steep.  You can see the walk here.

SS’s:  A 5.28km walk downhill on roads and returning on good quality tracks.  You can see the walk here.

FF’s: A 7.28km walk using two different bush tracks and streets.  You can see the walk here.


Parking for all three groups is on the side of the road in Ladbroke Drive.  Turn off Horokiwi Road West into Ladbroke Drive and take the first park you find.  This is where the walks start.


Nothing booked but we have told Simmer that a number of us will be back for coffee somewhere about 11:00am

Enjoy your walks
Russell Paterson


When you open the website to view your walk have a quick look at the “Home Page”.  This usually has a new picture each week generally showing a view from one of our walks.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for January 2024 here


Below here are the photos from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to  Preferably small size (around 450kb).

Just for Fun

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.


CPCW Email


Brian Vincent

Deputy Convenor

David Pegram


Keith Thomas


Peter Nalder

Wednesday Walks

Russell Paterson

Thursday Walks

Christine Binns

Friday Walks

Keith Thomas


Paul Alpe