Current Wednesday Walk

4 May 2022

Convenor’s Comment

Last Weeks Walks

Last Wednesday walks all started out from the Alex Moore Park carpark and headed off eventually on three separate paths but then the groups still came across one another at various points along the way.  The weather was very good so we trust the walkers enjoyed the walk as well as the weather.  A good number also returned to Simmer for a coffee after the walk.  There was a total of 58 walkers made up of 13 PP’s, 27 SS’s and 18 FF’s.  On Thursday night the weather was also very fine allowing a small group (5) of the Thursday Night Crawlers to enjoy a walk around the streets within Johnsonville.  On Friday the great weather continued and 17 Friday Walkers took this opportunity to take on a north to south walk of the Escarpment Track. It would be hard to get a better day for this walk than the day the walkers enjoyed.

Friday Night “Drinkies”

The first Friday of the month is coming up this Friday 5th May and this means 5:00pm Friday Night “Drinkies” at the Sprig and Fern, Tawa, for those that can make it.

Mid Year Anniversary Dinner

A date has been reserved for this function using the same premises and caterer as was used for last year's function.  The date is Saturday 30th July 2022.  Further information will follow nearer to the date of the event.


Every week we leave a note about Koha in the newsletter.  We have no idea what private sharing arrangements are in place regarding getting rides but we trust that those who don’t regularly bring cars do make up for it in some small way, be it buying a coffee for the driver or by making some small cash donation.


Here are some photos from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for the rest of May here.

Wednesday 27th April 2022
This week's walks

This week the walks are based in Titahi Bay.  They are all new walks that are basically just variations of previous walks.  All three walks take in the beach.  (There is a choose of walking on the sand or taking the track just above the sand.)  The walks take in the local streets and tracks as well as the beach.  There should not be any mud.

PP’s: A 3.79km loop walk using  the beach, walkways, tracks and roads within.  Only minor hills.   You can view the walk here.

SS’s: A 5.61km loop walk also using the beach, walkways and streets of Titahi Bay.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s: A 7.37km loop also taking in the beach, tracks, walkways and streets of Titahi Bay.  You can view the walk here.


Parking for all three groups is in the carpark at the northern end of the Beach. This is in Bay Drive near the intersection of Bay Drive with Richard Street.


We have told Columbus Coffee, Mitre 10 Mega, Porirua that we will be coming.


If required will be by email at 7:30am.

Happy May Walking

Russell Paterson


Remember that if you rely on others for your transport most weeks then a small $2 payment for a nearby walk and a $4 payment for a longer walk would help to lessen the costs a little for those providing the transport.


What do you call a melon that’s not allowed to get married?  Cantelope.

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors. Please support these businesses that support us. 
