Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 16 October 2022


Last Weeks Walks

My apologies to all those walkers who headed out to Evans Bay last Wednesday only to find no one to walk with.  As you all would now be aware the late cancellation was due to protesters ensuring that any journey to town would have most likely had all of us sitting in cars halfway down the gorge.  This was the third time we have cancelled this particular walk.  However we have decided to try again and it is rescheduled for this coming Wednesday.  Anyway a good number of us who turned up at the local Shopping Village headed out around the Churton Park and Johnsonville streets with 10 PP’s, 17 SS’s and 16 FF’s taking part; a total of 43.  On Thursday evening 7 Thursday Night Crawlers toured the Churton Park streets and on Friday, 22 Friday Walkers ventured into the hilly Reserves of Wainuiomata finishing with a short picnic in one of parks.

Christmas Lunch

A further reminder that the date for the Christmas Lunch is Thursday 1st December 2022. This will again be at “The Pines”. The price is the same as last year, that is $40 per head and the bus will also be available at $10 per head. As a good number of Walkers are heading down south in early November we are asking for numbers for both the function and the bus by Monday 7th November 2022.  Payment can be made at the same time (For those who need more time to make a decision on whether they will be coming or not, then we would need to know by the date that has been set by the Caterer for final numbers and that is Thursday 17th November).  Confirmation should be made by email and online payment can be made to the Churton Park Community Walkers Bank Account No: 02-0524-0233091-000 using name/s and CPCW X dinner as reference.

This Weeks Walks (Wednesday 19 October)

We are going to try out the Evans Bay Walks yet again.  So this week we are off to Evans Bay for three walks with the PP’s keeping to the flat and both the SS’s and FF’s taking in the nearby hill as well.  A nice shoreline to view and lots of interesting houses etc to note. We have now  tried to do these walks three times before so hope things work out better this coming Wednesday.

PP’s: A 2.55km there and back walk with a loop around the NIWA complex and the adjoining townhouses.  You can view the walk here.

SS’s: A 6.30km loop walk along footpaths.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s: A 7.07km loop walk along footpaths.  You can view the walk here.


Parking is within the car parks within the marina complex or on the street near to the South end of Evans Bay Parade. No matter where you find your carpark all walks start near to the corner of Evans Bay Parade. So please congregate there.


This will be back at Simmer. If however you find a Café on the way home you are very welcome to take advantage of this. We have however advised Simmer that a number of us will be coming.


When you open the website to view your walk have a quick look at the “Home Page”.  This usually has a new picture each week generally showing a view from one of our walks.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Happy October Walking
Russell Paterson


Every week we leave a note about Koha in the newsletter.  We have no idea what private sharing arrangements are in place regarding getting rides but we trust that those who don’t regularly bring cars do make up for it in some small way, be it buying a coffee for the driver or by making some small cash donation.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the adjusted walk schedule for the rest of October here.


Below are some photos from the week before last.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.
