Current Wednesday Walk

08 December 2021

Convenor’s Comment

Alison’s Corner

This week we have Johanna Morlok and Pam Bushnell having birthdays; Johanna on the night of the delivery of this newsletter and Pam’s very soon after.  We trust that both Johanna and Pam an have an enjoyable special day.  (We trust that anyone we missed also had an enjoyable special day.)


We wish to keep all our walkers as safe as we can and also ensure that the most vulnerable have confidence to safely participate.  As part of this we ask that all walkers are fully vaccinated and if ever required for some reason that they can produce evidence that this is so.  Our walks are always in the fresh air but we do have to have close contact when we share vehicles to get to our away venues.  (Even on the walks, there can also be close contact.)  Drivers are within their rights to require proof from their passengers.  We understand that all of our walkers are responsible adults and therefore by turning up for one of our walks must mean that they are fully vaccinated.  However, we will also be happy to view Vaccination Passports and record on our private membership list that these have be sighted.  You can do this by showing your Vaccination Passport to Paul at the briefing or emailing a screen shot etc to the walking group. ( Thus there would be no doubt about a particular walkers Vaccination Status.

First Aid Kits 

Please take turns at carrying these and if asked to take responsibility for a week or two to cover another walkers absence, then please do so. We are looking to get an additional first aid kit for the  SS’s as this group can get spread out a little.  Hopefully then we will have a kit nearer the front and one nearer the rear.  Also if a walker cannot make it one week there still should be at least one kit in the group.

New Bridges

A separate email has been sent to all walkers re the new bridges that have been constructed recently replacing some temporary and rustic bridges that were removed some months back for safety reasons.  We should all go for a little walk and try these out along with the improved track.

Last Weeks Walks

A good turn out of 59 walkers for the walks around the streets and tracks of Churton Park.  The number was made up of 10 PP’s, 28 SS’s and 21 FF’s.  On Thursday night 6 walkers headed out around the streets of Churton Park and Johnsonville, and on Friday 22 walked around the slippery bush tracks in Speedy’s Reserve which is in behind Kelson.


Here is the collection of photos from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb). 

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for the rest of December here.

Wednesday 8th December 2021

As per the schedule this weeks walks are in the nearby suburb of Khandallah. 

PP’s: A 3.25km loop mainly on roads,  a bit of bush track as well; a small hill included. (The bush part can be avoided by just continuing up Simla Crescent.)  You can view the walk here.

SS’s: A 5.03km loop (Peter’s Regular Walk) taking in a bit of bush, the Bridle Track and a bit of a hill.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s: A 5.84km loop on roads and tracks and including quite a few steps.  You can view the walk here.


Nairnville Park carpark and surrounding streets.


At Simmer with Thyme as an alternative or any other coffee bar on the way home.  We will tell Simmer that we are coming but as you can guess there could be more of us than they can cope with.  (Simmer coped quite well last week.)


The normal cancellation before 8:00am will be sent by email if required.

This is our first week under the orange lights.  Remember to scan in, show your pass to Paul and try for a little bit of social distancing.

Happy walking

Russell Paterson


Remember that if you rely on others for your transport most weeks then a small $2 payment for a nearby walk and a $4 payment for a longer walk would help to lessen the costs a little for those providing the transport.


When the white missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land.  They said, “Let us pray.”  We closed our eyes.  When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.  Desmond Tutu

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors. Please support these businesses that support us. 
