Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 28 August 2022

Friday Drinkies

For those that want a Friday Night out, then one choice is to come along to “Friday Night Drinkies” this coming Friday (2nd September) at the  Sprig and Fern, Tawa starting at 5:00pm.

Christmas Lunch

Reserve the date.  The date is Thursday 1st December 2022 with this being held again at the Pines.  Like last year a bus will be available.  (We missed out on a suitable Wednesday even though we tried to book one way back in March.)

NZ Mapometer

The site is back on line and we have all our database available again.  We seem to lose access about once every two years but generally only for a week.

Last Weeks Walks

Well the rain stopped for one day and we got all three Wednesday walks away but in rather windy conditions.  This did cause a bit of a problem for some walkers on the exposed bridge across the Hutt River.  Anyway 73 walkers took part with 21 in the PP’s, 28 in the SS’s and 24 in the FF’s.  However the rain was back on Thursday which meant that the Thursday Night Crawlers were down to one with only an umbrella for a companion and come Friday it was yet another cancellation. 

This Weeks Walks (Wednesday 31 August)

This week we head to the nearby suburb of Khandallah.

PP’s: A 3.90km loop walk starting in Khandallah and taking in a part of Ngaio.  All on footpaths apart from a short section with some steps. You can view the walk here

SS’s: A 5.24km loop walk heading into the northern part of Khandallah and returning via a different route.  You can view the walk here

FF’s:  A 7.16km loop starting in Khandallah and taking in parts of Ngaio.  Includes some bush tracks but is mainly on streets.  Unless the weather improves there could be some areas that are a little muddy.  You can view the walk here.


Parking for all three groups is the Nairnville Park car park and surrounding streets.


We have told Simmer Café that a group of us will be returning there for a coffee after our walk.


When you open the website to view your walk have a quick look at the “Home Page”.  This usually has a new picture each week generally showing a view from one of our walks.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Happy August Walking
Russell Paterson


Every week we leave a note about Koha in the newsletter.  We have no idea what private sharing arrangements are in place regarding getting rides but we trust that those who don’t regularly bring cars do make up for it in some small way, be it buying a coffee for the driver or by making some small cash donation.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for September here.


Below are some photos from the week before last.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.
