Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 26 November 2023

Hi everyone – there are a few notices this week.

Wednesday 29 November walks

As we have our Christmas lunch on Wednesday, there will be no formally organised walks this Wednesday morning.  All those who wish to go for a walk should meet at 9am at the Churton Park shopping centre car park as usual and walks will be arranged from there.

2023 Christmas lunch Function & Bus details

A reminder from Brian Alderson. - Christmas lunch bus transport on Wednesday.

Boarding Churton Park from 11.15am, bus departs 11.25am.

Return boarding at The Pines 3.30pm, departing 3.40pm.

Confirmations for those attending were emailed out last Wednesday, however if you did not receive an email and require confirmation please contact either myself or Keith Thomas.

Friday drinks and meals at the Sprig and Fern, Tawa

Next Friday is the first day of December and our final drinks, etc, for 2023 is at the Sprig and Fern from 5pm.   The first scheduled drinks and meals at the Sprig and Fern for 2024 will be on the first Friday of February.

Last week’s walks

All three Wednesday groups walked around Linden. There were 17 Pleasure Pacers, 28 Steady Steppers and 15 Fast Footers. On Thursday, even though there was some wind to contend with, 6 walkers climbed up Mt Kaukau and on Friday 8 people walked up Colonial Knob.

Wairarapa ‘Away Walk’ 2024

The ‘Away Walk’ next year is to the Wairarapa. David Pegram advises that we are staying at the Solway Park Hotel in Masterton for three nights, arriving Tuesday 5 November. Although this is a fewer number of nights than normal for our trips we should still have four days of walking.

We currently have on hold 10 Standard Studio rooms, which have twin queen beds ($170 per night) and 15 Superior King rooms ($190 per night). A non-refundable deposit of $50 per person is required before Monday 4 December. The short timeframe is because the rooms are only on hold for a limited time. 

If you are interested in going on the trip please:

1 Pay the deposit to the CPCW bank account  02-0524-0233091-000  -   Please add ‘Wairarapa” in the reference field.

2 Send an email to David Pegram ( with your room preference. Rooms will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Single people can either opt for a room by themselves or look to share. 

Have a great week,
Brian Vincent

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for December here.

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.


CPCW Email


Brian Vincent

Deputy Convenor

David Pegram


Keith Thomas


Peter Nalder

Wednesday Walks

Russell Paterson

Thursday Walks

Christine Binns

Friday Walks

Keith Thomas


Paul Alpe