Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 23 October 2022


Last Weeks Walks

Well the walks sort of went OK on Wednesday.  Some arrived early at Evans Bay and the heavy rain shower diverted them to Coffee bars and they were never seen again.  Others spent a lot of time in queues with some genuine frustrated commuters.  There is generally about 5 routes to get to the other side of town on a week day morning.  1. Around the Quays; 2. Using The Terrace Tunnel; 3. Using the Murphy Street off-ramp; 4. Through Khandallah and down the Ngaio Gorge; 5. Through Ngaio and down Aro Street. There may be others.  The question is; “Which route is the best.”  The answer is; “Any of the others because the one you have chosen will always turn out to be the worst.” In the end a reasonable number did make it to the Evans Bay starting point with a total of 50 walkers taking part; made up of 9 PP’s, 21 SS’s and 20 PP’s.

On Thursday evening 5 Thursday Night Crawlers headed off around the streets and tracks of Grenada and Horokiwi and on Friday some 19 Friday Walkers did a circuit taking in Raroa, Khandallah, Ngaio and Wadestown.

Christmas Lunch

Yet another reminder that the date for the Christmas Lunch is Thursday 1st  December 2022.  This will again be at “The Pines”.  The price is the same as last year, that is $40 per head and the bus will also be available at $10 per head.  (For those who need more time to make a decision on whether they will be coming or not, then we would need to know by the date that has been set by the Caterer for final numbers and that is Thursday 17th November).  Confirmation at least should be made as soon as possible by email and online payment can be made to the Churton Park Community Walkers Bank Account No: 02-0524-0233091-000 using name/s and CPCW X dinner as reference.

This Weeks Walks (Wednesday 26 October)

Probably silly heading to town again but this weeks Wednesday walks are all on this side of town and all are going to start from near to the entrance to the Botanical Gardens.  This entrance is opposite the Chinese Embassy. All walkers should assemble in this area. (See notes re parking.)

PP’s: A 3.45km loop walk on tracks and footpaths with some climbs.    You can view the walk here.

SS’s: A 5.25km loop walk on tracks and footpaths with some climbs.    You can view the walk here.

FF’s: A 6.48km loop walk on tracks and footpaths with some climbs.    You can view the walk here.


Glenmore Street is a Coupon parking area.  Therefore you can, without cost or a coupon, park there for two hours.  After the two hours you are at the mercy of the parking wardens.  A reasonably safe gamble will give you 2.5 to 3.0 hours but don’t hold me to it.  So please take the first park you come to on your way up Glenmore Street and then walk back to the Main Entrance of the Botanical Gardens where we will congregate.  Later arrivals may be forced to park a little way up Glenmore Street.


Please ignore the Walk Schedule that suggested there will be a BYO picnic.  We will leave that for another time and for a venue with friendly parking.  The Café within the Botanical Gardens is now called Picnic Café.  We will inform them that a good number of us will be returning there for coffee but nothing will be booked.  Back to Simmer is another option.  If you are worried about stretching the two hour limit, then you can shift your car a few spaces and start the two hours free parking cycle again.


When you open the website to view your walk have a quick look at the “Home Page”.  This usually has a new picture each week generally showing a view from one of our walks.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Happy October Walking
Russell Paterson


Every week we leave a note about Koha in the newsletter.  We have no idea what private sharing arrangements are in place regarding getting rides but we trust that those who don’t regularly bring cars do make up for it in some small way, be it buying a coffee for the driver or by making some small cash donation.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the adjusted walk schedule for the rest of October here.


Below are some photos from the week before last.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).


Just for Fun

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.
