Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 24 July 2022

9th Anniversary Dinner

All is going to plan for the 9th Anniversary Dinner. 

Date Saturday,  July 30 2022
Time 6pm to 10:30pm
Venue Johnsonville Bowling Club
Cost $40 per head
Dress Smart Casual
Bar Cash or eftpos bar (no credit available)
Bring Money for raffles games

At present we have 79 attendees.  The venue is the same as last year. The bar will be open at 6:00pm and you are welcome from that time on. 

Last year Covid was an Auckland thing and we were reasonably sure that there was nothing in Johnsonville or Churton Park.  This year is different so we are asking you to bring and wear a mask when you arrive and keep this on when you are moving around, queuing for food or drinks or in slightly crowded areas.  Obviously you can take it off when you are seated at the tables. 

Also this year we are no longer having the table swap.  This will reduce the number of people moving about at any one time.  It will also have the benefit of keeping couples together thereby allowing a couple to win a raffle prize each and overcoming the hiccup we had last year. (Each individual can only win one prize but a couple as two individuals can win two prizes.)

When you arrive please collect your name tag as you come in the door, buy a raffle or two or more and there will be one or two games that you can have a go at.  The raffles are $2 a ticket or $5 for three and the games are $2 a go.  So bring a bit of cash for these matters and see if you can win one of our Sponsors prizes, vouchers or offers.  (We will have some change.  The raffles etc allow us to break even for the event.)  

There will be a reminder at 6:30pm to purchase any drinks that you may wish to have as you will be asked to be seated at 6:45pm with the meal being served at 7:00pm.

Desserts will be served at 8:30pm.  Please wait till the caterer lets us know that they have it ready.  Prior to the serving of deserts we ask that you take a photo of one of your adjoining tables so as we have a photo record of attendees.  There will be no group photograph this year.  Your photographs can be sent to

**We ask that if you have a suitable water jug can you please bring this with you.  You will be able to take it home when you leave.  Hopefully we will end up with enough for one per table.


There is a little bit of parking at the top of the drive and along the eastern edge of the drive for the early arrivals.  Hugh and Stu will direct you and also advise you when it is full.  A spot has to be left for our caterer.  The rest of the parking has to be on the adjoining streets.

Last Weeks Walks

It really was a wet week meaning that both Wednesday’s and Thursday’s walks were cancelled.  The Friday Walkers were determined to walk even if the weather was a bit average and so 10 walkers braved a bit of rain and completed their walk around the Wilton and Tinakori areas. 


This Weeks Walks

It has been decided to repeat the walk that was cancelled last Wednesday and therefore for this week’s walk we are off to Evans Bay for three walks with the PP’s keeping to the flat and both the SS’s and FF’s taking in the nearby hill as well.  A nice shoreline to view and lots of interesting houses etc to note.

PP’s: A 2.55km there and back walk with a loop around the NIWA complex and the adjoining townhouses.  You can view the walk here.

SS’s: A 6.30km loop walk along footpaths.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s: A 7.07km loop walk along footpaths. You can view the walk here.


Parking is within the car parks within the marina complex or on the street near to the South end of Evans Bay Parade.  No matter where you find your carpark all walks start near to the corner of Evans Bay Parade.  So please congregate there.


This will be back at Simmer.  If however you find a CafĂ© on the way home you are very welcome to take advantage of this.   We have however advised Simmer that a number of us will be coming.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Happy July Walking
Russell Paterson


Every week we leave a note about Koha in the newsletter.  We have no idea what private sharing arrangements are in place regarding getting rides but we trust that those who don’t regularly bring cars do make up for it in some small way, be it buying a coffee for the driver or by making some small cash donation.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for August here.


Below is the only photo from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.
