Current Wednesday Walk

20 April 2022

Convenor’s Comment

Andrew Laing

We note that earlier in the week one of our regular walkers, Andrew Laing, passed away.  Andrew’s health has been up and down for many months but no matter what his state of health he always turned up to walk both on Wednesdays with the Fast Footers and on Friday with the Friday walkers.  We will all miss our walking friend and walking companion.  We will remember him at his best, out in the front group full of conversation sharing his incredible knowledge on all subjects most not really related to walking whilst helping the other fellow amateur navigators to ensure that we were still on route. Our condolences to his wife Janice who walks with the Pleasure Pacers and the rest of the Laing Family. Rest In Peace Andrew.

Last Weeks Walks

These walks were partly within the Botanical Gardens and partly within the nearby streets and not so nearby streets.  The walks were attended by 5 SS’s, 26 SS’s and 12 FF’s making a total number of 43 walkers.  We were a bit surprised that a near empty Picnic CafĂ© complained that there were a few more walkers wanting coffee that we had advised them that there would be.  I’d bet that they would have been more upset if we had got it wrong the other way round.

On Thursday, 8 Thursday Crawlers completed in the near dark one of our previous SS’s walks around the streets of Khandallah.  On Friday a group of 16 Friday Walkers completed a quite long walk starting at the New World carpark in Tawa and then heading in a circuit up and around the hills behind Redwood etc and back to the cars.

A Story

The Friday walkers all were sent a link to a map showing the intended walk.  There was also quite a bit of explanatory text with the email.  When walking an alarm on one the walker’s phone kept notifying him that we were off track, but we got to the top of the hill and back on track soon after.  When he questioned the author of the walk who had been walking with an earlier group it was explained that the note sent with the link explained that part of the track we were meant to be walking was not the same as the link.  Our walker replied that could he have the following note on the future  emails:- “Read This”.   The same could go for the parking instructions for last Wednesday’s walk.

Vaccination Certificates 

These are no longer required for our walking group.


Here are some photos from last week and before.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb).


Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for the rest of April here.

Wednesday 20th April 2022
This week's walks

This week the walks are based in the Korokoro area all starting in Cornish Street.  They are all a bit longer than normal but are very flat except for the FF’s.Walks

PP’s: A 6.46km there and back flat valley walk to a track junction.  Can be shortened at any time by turning around.  You can view the walk here.

SS’s: A 8.32km there and back walk taking in the old historic Petone Water Supply dam at the terminal part of the walk.  Again can be shortened at anytime by turning around.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s: A 8.83km loop starting on the roads and ending on the tracks the other two groups have been using.  You can view the walk here.


Read This!  Parking is at the end of Cornish Street and if occupied travel along Pito-One Road until a space is found.  To get onto Cornish Street turn left off SH 1 immediately after you pass under the overbridge.  If you miss it take the next left which is Preists Avenue and then turn left again onto Pito-One Road and find a park as near to the Cornish Street end as you can.


We have told Columbus Coffee and Mitre 10 Mega, Petone that we are coming.


If required will be by email at 7:30am.

Happy April Walking

Russell Paterson


Remember that if you rely on others for your transport most weeks then a small $2 payment for a nearby walk and a $4 payment for a longer walk would help to lessen the costs a little for those providing the transport.


We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended!

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors. Please support these businesses that support us. 
