Current Wednesday Walk

20 October 2021

Convenor’s Comment

Alison’s Corner

Two birthdays this coming week and one last week that was overlooked.  So happy birthday to Sue Bibby and Hugh Butcher this coming week (both on the same day) and we trust that Kathy Miller did have an enjoyable day on her birthday last week.    If there is anyone who has a special event that we do not have recorded, then we do trust that you have an enjoyable special day.

Christmas Lunch 

We needed a minimum of 50 for the Christmas Lunch to go ahead at the Pines and that number was readily achieved.  So we will now be going ahead with the organising.  A further email will be sent out either as part of next weeks newsletter or as a separate email setting out the final price of the dinner and of course the price for the bus.  Details of where to pay these will be included in this future email.  Payment will confirm your place at the lunch and if required on the bus.  If you have not confirmed that you are likely to be coming at this time, then you can still email us at the email address below just so we know how many walkers we are finally likely to end up with at the lunch.  So if you are relatively sure you will be coming please and haven’t contacted us, then please email telling us so. 

Last Weeks Walks

The Wednesdays walks were not cancelled but neither did they go ahead.  Perhaps we should have trusted the weather forecast and cancelled on that but things did look fairly promising looking out the window.  Anyway a good group enjoyed a coffee at Simmer and another group enjoyed a get together and coffee at Chillax Expresso.  On Thursday 6 walkers headed out around the streets of Churton Park using the zigzag accesses and the walkways between streets as much as they were able.  On Friday 23 walkers completed a circuit in Owhiro Bay hills.


Here are some photos from from last week.  Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to preferably small size (around 450kb). 


Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for the rest of October here.

Wednesday 20th October 2021

This weeks walks for the SS’s and the FF’s head into some of Wilton’s suburban streets and use a return back along a bush surrounded track from the Otari Wilton’s Bush to the parking in Ian Galloway Park.  The PP’s go into the bush first and return along a street.

PP’s:  A 3.52km loop walk starting with using a bush track and returning along the street. The walk is reasonably flat.  You can view the walk here.

SS’s:  A 5.75km walk into the Wilton suburban streets with a return back through a part of the Otari Wilton’s Bush.  You can view the walk here.

FF’s:  A 6.85km walk into the Wilton suburban streets with a return back through a part of the Otari Wilton’s Bush; similar to the SS’s walk but just a little bit longer.  You can view the walk here.


All groups.  Parking is at Ian Galloway Park where there is more than ample parking for all of us.


No Picnic is planned.  Ian Galloway is a little bit exposed and there is no easy place to get away from the wind.  We will save the picnic for a more suitable time and surround.  So the coffee will be walkers choice with Simmer for those coming straight back to Churton Park and

Chillax nearby and Villa in Ngaio and others in Khandallah and Johnsonville.  We will warn Simmer that a number of us will be coming back for coffee and this will probably allow them to reserve at least some of the outdoor seating.


The normal cancellation before 8:00am will be sent by email if required.

We are still walking under Level 2 so remember to scan in and try for a little bit of social distancing.

Happy walking

Russell Paterson


Remember that if you rely on others for your transport most weeks then a small $2 payment for a nearby walk and a $4 payment for a longer walk would help to lessen the costs a little for those providing the transport.


A commander walks into a bar and orders everyone around.

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors. Please support these businesses that support us. 
