Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 28 January 2024


Last week’s walks.

Last Wednesday 58 walkers enjoyed their walk around Tawa/Porirua – there were 9 Pleasure Pacers, 25 Steady Steppers and 24 Fast Footers.  On Thursday 9 walkers ventured around Newlands and on Friday two groups (16 and 6) went up the Karapoti Gorge with 16 proceeding to the Giant Rata Tree.

Drinks and Food.

This coming Friday (2nd February) sees us back at Sprig and Fern in Tawa for the usual ‘first Friday of each month’ drinks and food commencing at 5pm.  See you there!

Brian Vincent.


Can each group please try and take at least one photo during their walk for inclusion in the next newsletter.  Send photos to this link.

Christmas 2023 function photos

Photos are available here.  Thanks to Brian Alderson and Mike Drain.

Click on any photo to enlarge, then use side arrows to scroll.


Please ensure that you inform your group’s leader if you leave a walk partway through.

This Week's Walks (Wednesday 31 January)

Walk Details for Wednesday 31st January 2024. 

This Weeks Walks:  

It is still school and university holidays and so it should be a good time to trip to the south coast;  hopefully with no traffic problems.  Thus this weeks walks are all based in Lyall Bay.

PP’s:  A 3.14km loop that uses tracks and footpaths and is generally a flat walk.  

You can see the flat coastal walk with a loop and then a return back the way the walk started.  You can see the walk here.

SS’s:  A 6.58km loop which does include a bit of hill work.  On footpaths and tracks.  You can see the walk here.

FF’s: A 9.00km loop walk also does include some links.  On tracks and footpaths. You can see the walk here.

Parking: Parking for all three groups is on the streets (Lyall Parade and Tirangi Road) and nearby small carparks in the general area just west of the Spruce Goose. Although we do get spread out a bit there has never been a problem in the past.

Coffee: Nothing booked but there is of course Spruce Goose and several in Island Bay and of course Simmer back in Churton Park.   So each group or sub group can make their own arrangements.


When you open the website to view your walk have a quick look at the "Home Page".  This usually has new images, often with views from one of our walks.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for January 2024 here


Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to this link.  Preferably small size (around 450kb).  Your editor has heard rumours of resentment that the photos in the Newsletter are dominated by Fast Footers!!  He is very happy to rectify the situation - all he needs is for Pleasure Pacers and Steady Steppers to take photos and send them in!

CPCW Photos


Our first official Wednesday walk of 2024 - here, on the left, are the FF heading home alongside the Porirua Stream in Kenepuru and on the right are the Steady Steppers.  Thursday walkers, who walked in and around Seton Nossiter Park, Grenada Village are shown below. (Thanks to Hue and Paul A for these photos.)





Gary Dick led the Friday walkers on a great expedition to see the (reputedly) largest northern rata in the North Island (i.e. the World!).  Friday walks are usually not easy, but this one required a bit more energy, dexterity and wetter feet than usual.  Ably organised and led by Gary.
(Thanks to Keith, Gary, Wendy and Bill for the following photos.)







And finally, here is a photo from Alison Lavin taken during the alternative Friday walk.  Subject shall remain anonymous.  Please send in your caption to the editor and perhaps, if the quality of the responses is good, they may replace the "Just for Fun" cartoon in next week's newsletter.  



Just for Fun

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.


CPCW Email


Brian Vincent

Deputy Convenor

David Pegram


Keith Thomas


Bill Gaudie

Wednesday Walks

Russell Paterson

Thursday Walks

Christine Binns

Friday Walks

Keith Thomas


Paul Alpe

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