Churton Park Community Walkers

Newsletter 14 January 2024


Hi everyone – welcome to our first Newsletter of 2024! 

Once again we are looking forward to another busy year ahead of us, with many varied planned walks and other functions including the annual away trip.  First up this year, we are pleased to welcome Bill Gaudie onto your committee -  he has taken over the important role of Newsletter Editor/webmaster from Peter Nalder.  At the same time we thank Peter for his many years of excellent service on the committee and for the valued contribution he has made to our group.

This Wednesday sees all three groups going on local walks around Churton Park.  Each group can decide on Wednesday morning where they wish to walk and how far.  Meet as usual at 9am at the Village car park.

The first pre-planned walks for 2024 will be on Wednesday 24 January with walks around Kenepuru – details and maps will appear in next week’s Newsletter.

Best wishes for the New Year.

Brian Vincent.


Last Week's Walks

Over the holiday period the enthusiastic Thursday group has continued to meet and walk around the northern suburbs and a small number of keen walkers have met at Churton Park New World on Wednesdays.  The Friday group walked on the first two Fridays of January.  The first walk, organised by Keith Thomas, took the group up and around some of the Churton Park tracks and then over the hills around the airstrip and back through the pine trees where the earlier group took a diversion and were awaiting rescue by the later group.  Jane Gaudie led the Friday group on its second walk of 2024 from Avalon Park, up through Speedy's Reserve and then on to Belmont Regional Park and then down through Belmont and back down.  On this second Friday walk of the year it was reported that nobody went astray! For the sake of the Friday walkers, let's hope that this is the way forward for this group in 2024, though your Editor is aware of independent spirits within this group that are wont to stray!

Message from the Newsletter Editor

As I take over from Peter Nalder as the editor of the CPCW Newsletter, I am conscious that I have stepped into very big shoes.  What will any walker who has set foot in ill-fitting shoes immediately recognise?  Pain and blisters!!  As my feet slip in Peter's big shoes there will inevitably be the odd mis-step, so I apologise in advance for the glitches that are likely to occur.  Please be patient - but do let me know whenever my feet stumble on a slippery rock or rabbit hole (apologies Helen and Jane) so that I can correct my path as soon as possible and avoid the need to set off my PLB (apologies Russell).

Please send any comments and all photos for inclusion in future newsletters to this link.

Christmas 2023 function photos

Photos are available here.  Thanks to Brian Alderson and Mike Drain.

Click on any photo to enlarge, then use side arrows to scroll.


Please ensure that you inform your group’s leader if you leave a walk partway through.

This Weeks Walks (Wednesday 17 January)

This coming Wednesday 17th January will be an informal walk.  Please gather at Churton Park Village at 9.00am and organise your own local walk.


When you open the website to view your walk have a quick look at the “Home Page”.  This usually has a new picture each week generally showing a view from one of our walks.


If the walks are cancelled an email will be sent out as early as possible but definitely before 8:00am.

Walk Schedules

You can look at the walk schedule for January 2024 here


Walkers please try and take a photo of each group on walking days and email them to Preferably small size (around 450kb).

CPCW Photos  

Santa and Elf (?Alf) assisted President Brian in ably guiding the CPCWalkers through a great celebration of the festive season.  

See the link in the Newsletter for all photos from this event.



Photo from a Thursday walk in January 

- thanks to Hue.



Photos from the first Friday walk in January - thanks to Hue.  Early group "rescued" by later group!



"The Friday Thornbush!! As taken by the Rose"  (Thanks Gay)


Just for Fun

Our Sponsors

A big thanks to our sponsors.  Please support these businesses that support us.


CPCW Email


Brian Vincent

Deputy Convenor

David Pegram


Keith Thomas


Bill Gaudie

Wednesday Walks

Russell Paterson

Thursday Walks

Christine Binns

Friday Walks

Keith Thomas


Paul Alpe